I haven't beat the game yet, but so far it's pretty good, though I do have some complainants as to some of the sprites, I feel as though some sprites had work put into them, but others such as almost any Pokemon fused with Lileep or vise versa had almost no effort put into it and all that was really different was a color change and a copy and paste of the other Pokemons sprites, and it's really noticeable, so it urks me even more then it should, but other pokemon fusions can be pretty cool such as a Magcargo and Arbok, which make a really cool fusion, or Meowth and Pichu, and Charmander and Pidgey which make a really cute fusion, but other then the spites that have no effort put into them the games good and I hope more Pokemon and fusions can/will be added in the future. Added option to start with custom starter (only available if you have beaten the game at least once) Removed alolan forms for self fusions (types not changed back yet) Added NPC selling EV berries on Kin Island Added secret area where starters can be caught in the wild infinite splicers now work like super splicers

holding mankey paw now guarantees critical hits, but halves accuracy Changed default animations for water and fairy moves
#Multipatch pokecommunity update
Added update man in sevii island pokecenters Added a way to set the encounter rate / turn off wild Pokemon fusions after beating the game
#Multipatch pokecommunity Patch
You can get the full download in the first post of this thread or there's a patch version available on the discord if you're updating from 4.5, 4.5.1 or 4.5.2.

It includes everything in the two previous patch versions, plus some new stuff.