Total party planner beta login
Total party planner beta login



Otherwise, you'll need to install Tableau Server:


If you already have Tableau Server installed, skip to (Optional) Step 2: Change login-based license management settings. Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server provides an ATR lease to Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder to finalize activation. The ATR service returns an ATR lease to Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server. If yes, Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server communicates with the ATR service. Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server verifies that you are a Creator. You sign into your Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server site. You install Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder and select Activate with your credentials. Login-based license management with Tableau Server Login-based license management with Tableau Cloud For more information about the ports used by Tableau, see Tableau Services Manager Ports (Link opens in a new window).

total party planner beta login

In most cases, the computer where Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder is installed and the network it is running on are already configured to allow the necessary access. Tableau uses common ports (80 and 443) to make internet requests. The diagrams below show the communication process between the client, Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, and the licensing service. The ATR service, hosted on AWS, verifies and manages the license and the length of the authorization window. Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud contacts the Tableau-hosted authorization-to-run (ATR) service to verify that the Tableau Desktop client is allowed activation. When login-based license management is in use, Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder periodically contacts Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud in order to verify that the user is a Creator and to obtain an authorization to run. If your Tableau Server is not enabled for login-based license management, contact your Tableau sales representative to obtain a special login-based license management-enabled product key. The following Tableau products support login-based license management: Administrative views provide information about who is using your Creator licenses, and shows the most recent license lease and version of both Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Builder, which helps you to monitor your Tableau deployments. You can use administrative views on Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud to see the assignment and use of Creator seats in one place.

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In addition, login-based license management gives you more visibility into license usage. You can assign Creator roles to users who use Tableau Server, Tableau Desktop, and Tableau Prep Builder for license activation and centralized license management. Login-based license management is enabled per production instance of your Tableau Server deployment. You only need one Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud site to authorize an individual Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder. You only need to manage one or more product keys for on-premises Tableau Server, or in the case of Tableau Cloud, you don’t need to manage any product keys at all. Users with Explorer or Viewer roles cannot use this feature. If you’re using Role Based Subscriptions with Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, you can simplify your license management using login-based license management to eliminate separate Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Builder product keys. Login-based license management helps you manage licensing for users with Creator roles on Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud.

Total party planner beta login