I can’t view a raw RSS feed in Chrome anymore? I *have* to use some chrome store app feed reader? #fail.
#Old chrome rss reader update
Google Chrome used to leave RSS alone but the latest update brings us the traditional feed hijacking feature.Stop being a d-bag and just display my RSS feed links as XML. : OK Chrome, now it’s not funny: if I can’t view the source of a RSS feed, I’m gonna give up and get this old FF.You’re not my feed reader, deal with it (cue sunglasses) Chrome don’t intercept my click, just show me the RSS address that I asked for.Here are more online reactions seen on Twitter: Some people aren’t very happy with this new “feature” of Google Chrome and the list includes Dave Winer, who is widely known as the “inventor” of RSS feeds. Google Chrome offers RSS Reading apps instead of showing the actual XML feed Also, if you using an RSS feed reader that is not available as a Chrome app, like FeedDemon or Microsoft Outlook, there isn’t an easy way to set that external program as the default handler for RSS feeds in Chrome. XML Feeds are ‘greek’ to most users but for the rest of us, Chrome offers no built-in option to turn off this default behavior. If you happen to click an RSS or Atom feed inside the latest version of Google Chrome, the browser won’t display the actual content of the XML file but will instead offer you to open the feed in either Google Reader or one of the Chrome apps.